Charles Saunders 4

A Jump in the Night

‘A Jump in the Night’ is my adaptation of a story that appeared in a Dutch Newspaper on March 28, 1970, by A. Jansen. It is the story of the crew of ‘T for Tommy’, a Halifax Bomber that was part of a raid on Hamburg, Germany. The…
Charles Saunders 4

The Tragedy at Allerona

On 28 January 1944, during World War II, the Orvieto North railway bridge at Allerona, Italy, was the site of the inadvertent bombing by the American 320th Bombardment Group of a train filled with Allied prisoners. Most of the POWs had come…
Charles Saunders 4

Captivity – a personal perspective

Life as a Prisoner of War Captivity in life is something that very few could adequately describe. You have to feel it. You have to live with it and you have to know just what it means to appreciate what a mental strain captivity is. We experienced…
Charles Saunders 4

Charles Saunders story of evading capture with a French family

Charles Saunders on his 100th birthday, 23rd December 2017 Charles was the origin of this website and all the other things derived from it, such as the Camino tours to Lamsdorf, the Facebook pages, the Lamsdorf POW Days etc etc. On…