The rules concerning copyright of text and other original works can be found here:

Briefly, the owner of the copyright is the person who creates the original work concerned, by default. Copyright generally lasts for 70 years from the end of the year in which the copyright owner dies. However, please read all of the rules (follow the link above) as there are exceptions in some cases.

Most accounts of POW experiences on this website have been contributed by people who wish those accounts to be published on the website, either the POWs themselves or members of their families.

If there are any queries about the copyright of any material on this website, we would be grateful if the copyright holder would make contact to this email address: [email protected]


The owner of the copyright in the photograph is the photographer – the person who creates it, by default. Copyright in a photograph lasts for 70 years from the end of the year in which the photographer dies.

Most photographs on this website have been contributed by people who wish those photographs to be displayed on the website. For photographs taken at prisoner of war camps, it can be extremely difficult to establish who owns the copyright. Many former prisoners of war returned home with photographs and in most cases there is no information whatever about who took those photographs. In many cases copies of the same photographs were in the possession of many different former prisoners of war, and it often occurs that multiple copies of certain photos are sent to this website by different people. A huge number of photos, particularly formal groups, were taken by German guards, and it is extremely unlikely that any copyright claims would be made in respect of those photos.

If there are any photographs on this website whose copyright has definitely been established, we would be grateful if the copyright holder would make contact to this email address: [email protected]