Found 30 POWs

Last name
(click to view record)
First name Rank Unit Service number Camp POW number
Acey Joseph 316949 191
Allcock Bernard
    Allen Herbert 1987025 384
    Armstrong Malcolm 4457152 497
    Arnold Eric 5723259 87
    Barker George W 6143531 11
    Bell George 4452206 407
    Bell Dennis 7885237 207
    Binns Sydney 7595721 510
    Chiles Alfred 5103919 428
    Clark James 6347306 149
    Clarke William W O 1492710 336
    Coles Lawrence George T152252 116
    Croucher Frederick T/14450 58
    Fairbrother John 6345586 223
    Fieldhouse Douglas H 4024174 451
    Guy Alex 3247205 50
    Henshall Sydney 3709538 525
    Hibbert Edward Joseph 5179745 60
    Higgins Alfred E 3044270 64
    Jones Wallace 6092533 476
    Kay Michael Mc 3450730 107
    Kirk Ronald Charles 6911993 345
    Lake Harry C T 807114 228
    Lang Peacy Percy 4618955 2796
    MacGillivray James 2931293 303
    McDermott Phillip 4744906 70
    McMillan George Ross 8th The Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's 470
    McNeill Donald John MacNeill 2980520 36529
    Mitchell Duncan 3130593 464