JUST ANOTHER COUNTRY BOY and an unwilling guest of Hitler – The Life of Ken Latheron

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The Life of Ken Latheron. Compiled and edited by Julia Stephen. "For some years my friends and relations have asked me to write my memories of the Second World War and of my incarceration in various Stalags in Poland and Upper Silesia. This…

British and Commonwealth POWs in Czechoslovakia & Upper Silesean Territory during the Second World War

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This paper was written by Zdeněk Konečný & František Mainuš was published in 1966. 1966 Article On British POWs By Czech Historians (C Historica 13 1966 1 9)  

Frank Spike Hughes Gallery

The illustrated Wartime Diary of Frank 'Spike' Hughes RAF, a Prisoner of War at Stalag VIIIB (344) Lamsdorf.  

Hal Colebatch on the influence of Australian unions during WWII

They did the same in Sydney during the Vietnam War. e.g. one example I can well remember is that the  Sydney wharfies stole all the vast and expensive tool kits that went with each of the Centurion tanks as they were loaded on board a ship…