The case of Wadim GREENEWICH

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From Brian Cooper. 13/07/024. Data source: UK National Archives FO 950/1151 Mr Greenewich, a naturalised British citizen, was employed in the Passport Control Office of the British Legation in Sofia. He was held in Germany from 25 May 1942…

JUST ANOTHER COUNTRY BOY and an unwilling guest of Hitler – The Life of Ken Latheron

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The Life of Ken Latheron. Compiled and edited by Julia Stephen. "For some years my friends and relations have asked me to write my memories of the Second World War and of my incarceration in various Stalags in Poland and Upper Silesia. This…

Gordon Bourner #6403285 Royal Sussex Regiment. War Time Account.

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Introduction Gordon Bourner - Private Number 6403285, Royal Sussex Regiment - began his training in Brighton in January 1940 (having enlisted in September 1939?). This is his account of his wartime life. Gordon, my father, wouldn’t talk…

Robert Matthews No. 5384624. POW experiences

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At Lamsdorf Camp my head was shaven (I was so weak and had dizzy spells). Blechhammer Working Party was made up of 800 men – we were in the middle of the forest, set to work clearing trees and digging foundations. Our daily rations were…

Repatriation of Prisoners of War

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At the end of war, prisoners were progressively liberated and repatriated to their 'home' countries. Many men had been imprisoned for many years. All had suffered traumas of varying sorts and in varying degrees. Assimilation back into post-war…

Carolyn Phillips – a child POW of the Japanese

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Dave Lovell, Chair of Trustees, The Online Memorial and Museum of Prisoners of War. 06/09/2023 Interview with a child prisoner held by the Japanese during WWII. Can I have your full name and date of birth? I am Carolyn Agnes Carson Phillips,…

Hand-Tying and Handcuffing of Prisoners – The Full Story

Jim Holliday, a member of the Royal Australian Air Force who was a POW at Lamsdorf, did extensive research on this subject and his account was published in the book he edited with Dave Radke, ‘The RAAF POWs of Lamsdorf’. The relevant pages…

Nikolai Halin (Russian, Stalag VIIIF Lamsdorf) Gallery

Content warning: some users may find the images in this gallery disturbing Nikolai Halin was a Russian prisoner of war at Lamsdorf. This website normally only includes information about the English-speaking POWs at Stalag VIIIB/344. But of…

Medical Facilities at Lamsdorf and the Working Parties

The hospital facilities at Stalag VIII-B were among the best in all Stalags. The so-called Lazarette was set up on separate site with eleven concrete buildings. Six of them were self-contained wards, each with space for about 100 patients.…

A Wartime Log by C V Richardson

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This log opens with the following words: November 15, 1943 Dear Friend, When the folks at home ask us to choose and send you something special on their behalf, they confront is with a not-too-easy problem. The ―War-time Log‖ is one…