JUST ANOTHER COUNTRY BOY and an unwilling guest of Hitler – The Life of Ken Latheron

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The Life of Ken Latheron. Compiled and edited by Julia Stephen. "For some years my friends and relations have asked me to write my memories of the Second World War and of my incarceration in various Stalags in Poland and Upper Silesia. This…

Gordon Bourner #6403285 Royal Sussex Regiment. War Time Account.

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Introduction Gordon Bourner - Private Number 6403285, Royal Sussex Regiment - began his training in Brighton in January 1940 (having enlisted in September 1939?). This is his account of his wartime life. Gordon, my father, wouldn’t talk…

Robert Matthews No. 5384624. POW experiences

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At Lamsdorf Camp my head was shaven (I was so weak and had dizzy spells). Blechhammer Working Party was made up of 800 men – we were in the middle of the forest, set to work clearing trees and digging foundations. Our daily rations were…

S J Woodman’s long march diary transcript

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Stanley John Woodman, was a Sapper (from the French word sappe - spadework, or trench) in the Royal Engineers, Army No. 2069751 He was confirmed as POW, No. 220907, on 24/10/1942. Written at the top of page 1 of Stanley’s account…

Brian Magill’s Death March diary

Open B Magill's Diary 21st June To 2 May 1942 To 1945 to see a scan of all pages

Jack Emeny’s wartime story (1938 to 1946)

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Jack Emeny's story by his son Kenneth My Dad was born at 45, Manderville Street, Darnall, Sheffield, England on the 26th April 1921, to Louise William Samuel Emeny and his wife Kate Eliza (nee Bagshaw), who were married on the 9th of March…

Kenneth Ainsworth Log Book

This log book has been very kindly provided by David, son of SQMS Kenneth Ainsworth who was captured on Crete and was in Stalag V111B/344. David says: "My dad was the manager of the Dead End Kids Football Club and a lot of entries are related…

Frank Spike Hughes Gallery

The illustrated Wartime Diary of Frank 'Spike' Hughes RAF, a Prisoner of War at Stalag VIIIB (344) Lamsdorf.  

Peter Henry Blaskey – Capture, POW life, Long March, 2005 visit to Stalag VIIIB

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 From: Bishop Jonathan Blake Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 4:31 PM My father, Peter Henry Blake, known then as Sergeant Peter Henry Blaskey, rarely spoke about his wartime experiences, an approach common among his peers. On the night 10/11th…

A Wartime Log by C V Richardson

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This log opens with the following words: November 15, 1943 Dear Friend, When the folks at home ask us to choose and send you something special on their behalf, they confront is with a not-too-easy problem. The ―War-time Log‖ is one…