Private Reginald Edward (Reg) Chase

Family/Last name:
Forename(s) and initial(s):
Reginald Edward (Reg)
Place of birth:
Date of birth:
Service number:
Rank when captured:
Place of capture:
El Alamein
Date of capture:
POW number:
Data sources
The National Archives (UK)Other Sources (WO416 records transcribed by and held at the UK National Archives. Data processed and prepared by Rick Catt and Brian Cooper + personal report)

From Jo

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    1 reply
    1. Jo Bennett says:

      Reg Chase served in the 2NZEF 18th Battalion when he was captured at the battle of El Alamein on 15 July 1942 and listed as missing. It was not until October 1942 when the family learned he was listed Prisoner of War, camp unstated. The next time he was recorded was on 8 April 1943 and listed as POW at Campo PG57 Grupignano. But he was not here long before being transferred to Campo PG107 at Torviscosa. It was after the Italian Armistice when he was taken north to and was recorded at Stalag XVIIIA, Wolfsberg with the POW number 7860. On the 19 May 1945 he was listed as safe in UK. Reg returned to New Zealand, married and had two daughters. He died on 8 December 1983 aged 65. He is buried at the Kaitangata Cemetery. Reg was my maternal grandfather, and I have researched his war journey. Of his four cousins who fought in WW2, three were POW, of whom I have also researched.


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